The following guidelines apply to those applications to be submitted during calendar year 2011:
The Mt. Pleasant Fund is a relatively small private non-operating foundation in its ninth year of existence.
Last year the fund made four contributions totaling $20,000.
This year we anticipate paying out a similar amount.
For the Fund’s current fiscal year (October 1, 2010-September, 30, 2011) we are planning to only solicit requests from organizations that our membership recommends. Letters of Intent are accepted by invitation only.
Letters of intent may be sent to the fund at any time but should be in our office no later than April 15, 2011. You may feel free to email or send your letter via the postal service.
Our preference is to receive written communications rather than phone calls.
Further questions may be directed to the president of the foundation Flip Rosenberry at the address or email listed above.
Organizations sending letters of intent can expect to hear back from the foundation by mid-May, 2011. At that time, assuming we still have an interest in providing funding, applicants may be asked to provide us with additional information.
Our final funding decisions will be made no later than October of 2011.