Author Archives: Flip Rosenberry

Odds and Ends

Check out the video that MPF volunteers put together with the help of the folks involved with AppleTree Educational Center (one of our partners). Might we be able to help you with such a project as well?

We have three volunteers who are now on a regular schedule of working with the kids from Homework House (another partner).


Quick Update

The list of agencies that MPF will be inviting to apply to us for funding this year is complete and all the invitees should already have the invitation in their hands or they soon will.

Each of our current partners has been invited to apply.

Some wonderful pictures from Hope House of Colorado’s Christmas party.

MPF volunteers had a wonderful training session yesterday with Christie from Homework House. We’re excited to get started!

If you’re a member and are looking for volunteer opportunities, send us a message:

Anyone With Access To This Blog Can Post

This blog is available to all current members and partners of the Mt. Pleasant Fund. Anyone with access to the blog is welcome to post something to it if they wish with the understanding that every post will first be cleared by our office.

Please let us know if you wish to post something and are having troubles or if you have any other questions about how this blog works.

Pursuing Volunteer Opportunities

If you’re an MPF partner and have ideas for ways that members (donors) to the Mt. Pleasant Fund can volunteer, please let us know. If you’re a member and would like to volunteer with one or more of our partners, please let us know that as well.. The beginning of the new year presents a wonderful opportunity for volunteer help. Let’s take advantage of this!

FY2013 Partners Announced

We are really excited to report that we have decided which organizations we will be partnering with for our upcoming fiscal year. They are:

AppleTree Educational Center of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
Canones Early Childhood Center of Canones, New Mexico
Homework House of Holyoke, Massachusetts
Hope House of Colorado of Arvada, Colorado

These organizations have many things in common, but the one constant with each of them is that they are working with young children experiencing some exceptionally trying circumstances.

The Mt. Pleasant Fund board took particular interest in these organizations because we believe they are doing wonderful things for a segments of the population that are woefully underserved or ignored altogether.

It’s absolutely our pleasure to provide support to each of these agencies, and we look forward to partnering with them over the coming year.

Starting Up The Blog Again

After a bit of a sabbatical the Mt. Pleasant Fund blog is up and running again. The posts below this one are outdated and should not be used as a guide to where the Fund is now.

This blog is meant to benefit both members (donors to the Fund) and partners (grantees). Only members and partners have access to this blog so users should feel comfortable knowing that information exchanged here is seen only by current members and partners.

Ideally this blog will, among other things, serve to connect volunteers with agencies, keep partners updated with regard to news related to the MPF, and keep members updated with regard to news about our partners.


Current Grantees Should Be Hearing From Us Soon

MPF President Flip Rosenberry will be contacting the current grantees soon to begin looking for concrete possibilities for MPF members to volunteerpartner with your organizations. Our board has had some interesting conversations relating to what we think we might be able to offer, but now it’s time to get your input. Let’s get this ball rolling!